Data/Information,  Information Technology,  Privacy,  Security,  Technology,  Trust

Anti-Virus Software

Monte: Hello. This is Monte from Preserver,  and today, I’m talking about anti-virus software.

Jeff: It’s gonna be important, Monte. What are the names that can be trusted in this software field.

Monte: Well, having been in this game for over 30 years, it’s amazing that some of these brands still exist. McAfee is 1, AVG is 1, and Norton is 1. And all three of them have been around for decades.

Jeff: Life and death these days, Monte, I guess.

Monte: Yep. All three of these apps, or all three of these software packages will actually bring down the latest protection from the web and hope and protect your computers and your phones and your devices.

Jeff: Okay.

Monte: Now search for Preserver on either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, and you’ll find our Preserver app. It’s free and no registration required. Or visit our website.

Jeff: Thank you, Monte.

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