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The Preserver Website

Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver. And today, I want to just show you the Preserver website at, which supports our app that’s available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. And I just want to walk you through some of the things. So let me shrink down my image here into the corner. I’m covering over our little AI ChatBot, but I’ll come back about that little fella in a bit.

So, our website’s pretty simple. It’s traditional. It’s 5 or 6 elements of navigation. Here’s a minute long overview introducing you to the Preserver app and our 3 main features. One is that it is absolutely free. There is never a subscription model. There’s never an upgrade. There’s never in-app purchases ever. There’s also, no registration. We never ask your name, your email address, your credit card. We never store your information anywhere. We don’t have any servers for the content. Your privacy is guaranteed. And lastly, as I said, we do have an AI ChatBot here, and it’s powered by OpenAI 4.0. And it’s available for free.

So, this is our website. You can go to the stores here. Here are our social media posts so you can see where we are present on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, X, and TikTok, as well as Google My Business. Here’s a link to our TikTok, and you can see that we’re constantly posting up information relative to travel journals and speech enabled and for our text, all sorts of stuff. There’s lots of content and pictures were made. Uh, hope you find that useful.

In the actual website we’ve got “Use” cases and there are a lot of these that are based on clients of ours who have given us feedback of how they use it in all these different environments. So now, even artists are using it to catalogue their information, which can be very, you know, create digital archives and artwork and everything. It’s very powerful.

These are actually images from users that have used our app. FAQs, as as you’d expect, they tell you things about our app from feedback that we’ve gotten from our clients, which is fantastic. We have an extensive blog many, many, many pages with lots of different topics. You could just use this little search thing over here. So, if you’re trying to find some information on SD Cards, you can do that, and it will search the site on your behalf, and find it for you, I think you’ll find in this case we got a blog post on SD Cards. If you click to see more, you can actually watch your video on the SD Cards. And, it’s got speech and text, but you can turn off the sound because it has the narrative of what you’re what will. So, that’s in our blog.

We have detailed legals because there’s not a lot of compliance for the European Union and different states in America. So, we’ve got all of these explains that we don’t collect your information in our cookie policies and what we do.

Feedback. Geez. We need your feedback. But even if you look on our feedback form, you know, nice if you put a nickname in, but email is not required. If you want us to reply, it’s required because otherwise, there’s no way to communicate with you. So that’s good. And as I mentioned, we got our AI ChatBot, and this little fella lives on every single page. So, again, I can go in here and ask questions about our app and what it can do. So, can SD Cards provide a storage solution for mobile phones? I can put that in and the little fellow starts thinking, and he’ll come back with, “Absolutely SD Cards can indeed provide additional storage for your mobile phones. They are especially good, blah blah blah…”. You can clear that, so we never keep any of your search information. All of this is available on our website and as I said, the app is a 100% free, no registration required, and a free, Chat GPT 4.0 ChatBot.

So, you know, I hope you found this valuable, it’s a bit of a long form, but, it’s a great, great thing. If you do download the app and you and you have suggestions and things you want, please give us your feedback. Alternatively, we need your help. So, if you find it valuable, tell your friends and families and neighbours so that they can use it as well.

Thanks for your time. Monte Huebsch from the Preserver app.

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