AI,  Artificial Intelligence,  ChatBot,  Free

Free Chat GPT 4

Monte: Hello. It’s Monte from Preserver.

Jeff: Monte, good morning. Could you tell us about the free AI on the Preserver?

Monte: Absolutely, Jeff. We’ve incorporated Chat GPT 4 plus into the Preserver app, 100% free. Normally, you pay in Australia, $20 a month, or in the US, $12 US a month to access that. We have our ChatBot for free – Chat GPT 4 plus, built into our app, and also on our website.

Jeff: That’s fantastic, Monte.

Monte: Yep. It gives you an introduction to AI and how it all works and gives you an idea how better to use our app for your situation.

Jeff: That’s great. Thank you, Monte.

Monte: Visit Apple or Google and search Preserver and download our free, registration-free app today.

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