Emotions,  Stress

Preserver for Stress

Hi. This is Monte from Preserver. And today, I want to show you how our Preserver AI ChatBot can assist you with using our app. Now, I can go in here to Message, and I can say, how can Preserver assist me with stress? I hit the “go” button, and you can see in the lower right-hand corner, just next to the green box, is a little spinning circle. It’s going off to Chat GPT 4.0, and there’s our results. And as you can see, it can help you track stress, mood changes, correlations, record stress, monitor your mood, schedule relaxation, and it gives you the advice that you should NOT do this if you have major problems. You should seek professional help. The solution now is to go to either the Apple store or the Google Play store to search for Preserver and download it today. It’s free! There’s no registration, and it includes this ChatBot!

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