Age,  Health & Safety,  Medical Issues,  Mental Health

Aging Gracefully

Hi. This is Monte from Preserver, and we’re going to talk about aging gracefully today and how the Preserver app can assist in doing that. So, you can see the Preserver icon on my home screen. I press on that. It comes up. I hit my go button. I want to go on, I haven’t created one. Better go with that one. “Aging gracefully”. I can add that. So, I have a category. I’m going to hit that one. I’m going to go into my ChatBot. You’ve seen this before. I’m going to hit my speaker. “How can the Preserver app assist me in aging gracefully?” And I asked that of the ChatBot, and it’s going to come back with 3 major areas, which is healthy habits, tracking medical activities and sharing memories. And all of those, the app can help you do. It’s a 100% free. Your information resides on your phone and it’s private. We never hold it. And it’s supported by this Chat GPT, ChatBot. So go to the Apple app store or the Google Play Store and search on Preserver and download it today. And let us know your feedback. Thanks for watching.

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