Emotions,  Mental Health

Mental Health

Hi. This is Monte from the Preserver app, and I’m on our Preserver dot me website, as you can see here up in the in the toolbar, it’s just I’m going to shrink myself down to a little bit over here. I’m going to move it up so it’s not covering up our little ChatBot. This links through to the Apple and the Google Play Store for downloading our app. It’s got real live screen cams. You can see over here our floating toolbar, which includes all our social media, and our navigation up here.

Now today, I want to talk to you about mental health, and it’s a very, very important issue. But I’m going to transfer over to a screen capture on the phone so you can see it as the actual experience, and you can see the time and the spacing. So, I hope you find that useful and, taken you off to there now.

Hi. It’s Monte from Preserver, and here I am on my phone now, and you can see on my home screen, I’ve got the Preserver app icon, and I just click on that little icon, and it brings it up. We always start our recording activities by the green dot, and I’m going to do mental health today. So, I click mental health, and it comes, and I can click on my ChatBot. And, you’ll see down here, it says, what’s your message? I’m going to use voice to text here. Click on the little microphone at the bottom. “How can the Preserver app assist me with my mental health?”

And I can send that off. You’ll see the little spinning circle that’s going to the Preserver ChatBot on OpenAI. It’s a paid version, but we include it for free with our app. And it will bring back meaningful information. No registration, no credit card required. All the information stays on your phone. It’s never held by us, and here you see what it can do.

Preserver can help you with your logging daily moods, setting reminders for self-care, secure storage of your notes. But please remember, this is this is an avatar and assistant, and it doesn’t replace the need for qualified health care providers. So please go to either the Apple Store or the Google Play Store, search for Preserver, and download the app today.

Thanks for your time.

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