AI,  ChatBot,  Children,  Emotions,  Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence for Kids

Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver app, and I’m here today to talk to you about emotional intelligence for kids and in parenting. So let me just shrink myself down.

And you can see this, group on Facebook. It’s a fantastic group. Very powerful tools and information here. But I want to share with you how the Preserver app supports emotionally intelligent kids for a number of reasons. 1st and foremost – privacy. The app is a 100% privacy. There is no registration, no credit card, no email address, no names, It’s a 100% free. There’s no in-app purchases. there’s no subscription model and all the information of the app stays on your phone. And it only ever gets distributed if you decide to share it, some other way, through your phone. So, it’s a 100% private and free, and it’s supported by an AI ChatBot which I’m Going to demonstrate in in a moment on the system. So, let’s take a look here.

Hi. It’s Monte from Preserver and today, I’m going to demonstrate how the Preserver app can help with emotional intelligence for kids. As you can see, the, the, the Preserver logo down at the bottom is right there. The safety buoy, the life buoy, And I just click on that, and it brings up my Preserver app. And I’ve already got a category for emotional intelligence for kids, so I just click on that. And then you can see our little ChatBot up in the top, and I go to the ChatBot and the ChatBot is voice enabled. So, I can just go here and just click on the microphone.

“How can the Preserver app assist with emotional intelligence for kids?”.

And it go and it goes off and, uses ChatGPT 4.0 for free. And it brings back the ways the app can assist you in developing emotional intelligence for kids by allowing the kids to use the app and to record their feelings, maintain journals, share observations, but this is a compliment to professional guidance and not a replacement for that. But by recording those activities, it’s a very, very powerful tool. And we and it’s 100% free. It’s private. There’s no registration. It lives on your phone only. You can share it if you, like, with this phone features. But it’s never stored by us anywhere and it’s, a very powerful tool to help develop your kids.

I hope you find this valuable.

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