AI,  ChatBot,  Collaboration,  Relationships,  Self-improvement,  Trust

Staff Collaboration

Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver App. And today, I want to talk to you about how the Preserver App can assist in collaboration in ad hoc teams, and communication for staff and employees on various activities.

And today, I’m going to be doing this using the artificial intelligence that’s built into the Preserver app and free to everyone, based on Chat GPT 4.0. And so, you can see here that I’m using the Preserver ChatBot so it’s using the LLM of Preserver which we built. And it says, “How can Preserver App assist with staff collaboration?”.

Documenting activities, multimedia integration. Yes. It does speech, speech- to- text, 14 different languages, GPS coordinates, time tracking, real time communication because it can be all shared on a corporate drive, privacy, and security, it never leaves the device unless the individual in control of the device decides to share it. A simple user interface that can be done with one finger, and it’s adaptable across sectors. So, as it says here, health care, agriculture, journalism, and more.

So, the Preserver app is a great tool for that. I’m now going to just demonstrate some of these features in the app itself so you can see what’s going on.

Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver App, and I’m just going to demonstrate quickly the collaboration opportunities that exist within the Preserver App.

It’s on my home screen, and it’s on my mobile device, which I have with me all the time. I just pick that up and open a new activity that I want to do, and I’m going to do Collaboration. And you can see it instantly benchmarks my location, GPS coordinates, date, and time of what I’m doing, and it gives me a complete multimedia experience of neuro-linguistic programming for auditory, visual, and kinaesthetic learners. I can do speech- to- text, I can do photos. I can do videos, and I can just do general speech. It’s all there. And then, of course, I can record photographs of documents and different activities.

And then when I get all done and when I want to end it, I can give it a name so it can be collaborating. And I have 2 choices. I can either go back to my, not my ChatBot I can either go back to, where am I? I can end this Activity and share it on my Google Drive, or the other alternative is I can compile it on my phone for distribution through the native features in the phone, either SMS or email or whatever else.

So, it’s a very, very powerful tool for doing all of that. If I want to collaborate in a public domain, I can do it on a corporate Google Drive. If I want to do it on a private domain, I just store it to my own device and, I can do it that way. So those are all very powerful features of the system, and you can see here with more exports. So, I can export it to a ZIP file and then share it that way.

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