AI,  Business,  ChatBot,  Collaboration,  Communication,  Free,  HR

Streamlining Employee Activities

Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver App. And today, I’m again, I’m using the Preserver ChatBot to identify ways that you can streamline staff employee activities and their reporting with the app.

So, I basically just asked our ChatBot Hey! How can Preserver Streamline Employee reporting? Nobody likes reporting. It’s a real pain in the backside, and this allows you to have standardized reporting platforms. It allows automatic data collection because at the time you’re doing it, the date and time and location and GPS is there. It’s multimedia. It gives a great opportunity for staff to have feedback. So, you can ask staff that you’re involved with and managing, What were the goals for last week? What did you accomplish? And, How is it measured? Simple three question system, and it can all be recorded, and then it can be sent to either a shared drive or individual between you and the staff with the native Zip Tools inside the app itself.

So, I’m going to demonstrate this on the Preserver app itself, in just a moment.

Hi. This is Monte from the Preserver app. And as you can see on my home screen on my mobile device, there’s the Preserver app. I just click on it and up it comes. And today I’m going to be talking about, well it’s kind of a collaboration tool. It’s really about Streamlining Employee Activities and/ or reporting, if you’d like. Nobody likes doing the reporting. Timesheets, and all that sort of stuff. But the Preserver app’s on everybody’s phone. It can be done instantaneously on the spot. It records the date, time, location, and where you are. It allows you to respond in the way that’s most comfortable for you, and you can shoot a selfie video if you’d like and, do that, or you can use something that’s in your atmosphere around you, either one, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t want video, you can do a speech to text and have pictures if you want. And again, they can be selfies, or they can be out in the bush, and then you can just do an audio if you want as well. So, all of those features are available to you. They can be uploaded to a shared Google Drive, a personal Google Drive, or all retained on your own device in a zip file.

So, all you need to do is go to, the Preserver app, the name Preserver on either the Google app or the iStore, Apple App Store and search for Preserver and download it. It’s absolutely free. No registration. Funded by unobtrusive banner ads. Multiple – 14 lingual languages can are supported. It’s got Chat GPT 4.0 for free. Free, and privacy is guaranteed because it’s never retained on any of the features are free, and privacy is guaranteed because it’s never retained on any of our servers. It’s on your servers or on your device.

So, I hope you found this valuable. Thanks.

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