Journal/Diary,  Perfect for Preserver,  Travel,  Well-Being

Travel Journal Sharing

Hi, it’s Monte from the Preserver app, and today I’m using our Preserver ChatBot to demonstrate how you can securely and privately share your travel journeys with family and friends, securely and privately, and of course, for free.

So, I asked the ChatBot, “Sharing Travel Experiences using the Preserver app”, and it says Comprehensive Documentation. One click and you know where you are, when you are, the date, the time, and the GPS coordinates. You have privacy and security. All the data collected resides on your phone. You can then either place it into a Google Drive, your personal Google Drive, and share that drive, or you can put it into a Zip file and use your native sharing. And again, it’s easy for family and friends to follow you.

The user interface is very simple. I’m going to demonstrate that next.

So here I am on the home screen of my mobile phone and there’s my Preserver logo at the bottom and I just click on that, and it brings it up. I hit my green button to go, and here’s my Travel Journal Sharing. So, I just hit that button and Bingo, it’s immediately started. Put a date and time stamp and a location stamp anywhere in the world, GPS coordinates and a timer started. And then of course I can add multimedia, video, text, speech to text, audio, photos, all there. And then when I get all done, I just hit the End button and I have the option to upload it to my Google Drive and my Google Calendar, which can be shared with family and friends, although they’re my personal drive and calendar. Or alternatively, I can compile it on my on my phone. Whoops. I can just go to the record here; hit my More button and hit Export and it’ll create a Zip file that I can immediately then share to all my people and all my different methods from the phone. So that’s a great way. It creates a continuous historic log and it’s just so powerful.

Go to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store, download it for free. No registration, 100% privacy because the data is only on your phone or in your own cloud. Has this AI enhancement and it is. It supports 14 different languages, so it’s multilingual. It’s free. No in app sales or up cross sells or upsells. It’s sponsored by little, tiny banner ads – unobtrusive.

So please download it and use it today and give us your feedback. 

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