Data/Information,  Paperwork & Filing,  Travel

Travel Documents

Hi, it’s Monte from the Preserver app, and I’m using our Preserver ChatBot to give you a checklist, if you’re a traveller, on the documentation that you should have.

So, if we look here, it says you need to have your Passport. You need to have – some countries require a V isa, so you should have a copy of that. National identity card. That depends on where you are. Often you shouldn’t travel without having some travel insurance. You should have a copy of your policy. Flight itinerary and tickets. Accommodation confirmations, emergency contact information, and health documents. And all of these can be captured in the Preserver app, stored on one central, simple, easy location. It’s on your phone, it’s in your pocket, it’s with you, and it’s a duplicate if you have hard copies. And it can be safely stored in the cloud and on your phone.

So, I’m going to jump over to the Preserver app and show you that right now.

It’s Monte again from the Preserver app and it’s on my home screen on my mobile device. I just bring up the Preserver app from the logo and here I’m going to go Travel Documents. And so, what I can do here is obviously I can take photos, I can do my driver’s license, I can do my passport, I can do my insurance, my visas. All of these things are possible, and I can store them simply on my own device here. I can store it in the cloud, of course, and that’s a nice way to have safety if we’re worried about losing our phone. But I also can store it locally on my device. I just need to bring it up and I can export it as a Zip file and then I can upload it to any of these tools, Messages, AirDrop, Mail , whatever. And it’s all there, fast, easy, and safe. You’ve got a digital copy on you or in the cloud at all times.

Now just go to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store, search on Preserver and download our 100% free. No subscription, no cross or upsells at ever. AI enhanced app, no registration. We don’t collect credit card details. It’s not a crippled thing. It’s 100% private because we never collect or store any of your data. It’s multilingual and can handle 14 different languages, more coming every day. And it’s supported by in obtrusive banner ads.

So, download it today and give us your feedback. 

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