AI,  Business,  ChatBot,  Information Technology

Reduce Business Costs

Hi, it’s Monte from the Preserver app. And today I want to talk to you about how a GPT Agent can reduce business costs.

Now listen, everybody wants more sales and that’s great. But if your sales go up 10%, it doesn’t mean your profit goes up 10% because there’s costs. In fact, if you can take 10% of your costs away, that goes directly to your bottom line. And a GPT agent can exactly do that. Automating repetitive tasks, operating 24/7, creating efficiencies and streamlining in your operations, cost saving techniques, scalability, and advanced features. All of these things can be done with a GPT Agent at minimal cost, particularly compared to a human being that has their salary, their overheads, their retirement benefits, their sick leave, their holidays, and vacation. A Chat Agent works 24/7 around the clock, never an industrial relations problem, gives you everything you need.

So, reach out. I’m happy to talk to you about how a Chat Agent could help your business reduce costs.

Hi, it’s Monte from the Preserver app and here you are. You’re seeing my home screen with the Preserver logo at the bottom. I just click on that and I’m going to go to Reduce Business Costs, and I’m going to use my ChatBot and I’m going to use speech to text to say…

And it’s going to bring back a massive amount of savings in wages and labour, providing you 24/7 activities, customer service automation. It handles routine tasks, scalability, and availability, 24/7 service, increased productivity and data analysis. It’s all there. The ChatBot, it puts profit right on your bottom line the day you implement it.

So go to Google Play and search Preserver or the Apple Store and search Preserver. The app is 100% free, no registration, no credit card, 100% private, lives on your own device, operates in 14 different languages and is supported by unobtrusive banner ads. And it’s free and private. So, give it a go today.

Thanks for watching. 

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