AI,  ChatBot,  Intelligence,  Perfect for Preserver,  Tourism,  Travel

Cultural Sensitivities whilst Travelling

Hi, it’s Monte from the Preserver app, and today I want to demonstrate how the Preserver (free) Preserver app and its AI enhancements can improve the safety and security of your travels by understanding cultural sensitivities.

So let me just shrink myself down into the corner. I go over here to my ChatBot, and I can ask it… I’ll do it on voice-to-text… “What are some cultural sensitivities when I am traveling to Malaysia?” And I can send that off to the ChatBot and it’s going to find that information for me and it’s going to help protect me and also provide some guidance.

So, this is quite an extensive thing. It talks about moderate dress, shoes off, going in and out, hand, right hand rules, respect for elders, public to place of affection. Food, etiquette, etiquette, religious sensitivities, greetings, photography, language. I mean, there you capture everything you need in one location very, very quickly. That’s going to allow you to be comfortable and safe when travelling because you’ll know what the opportunities are.

Now this is the Preserver website,, and it’s – you can see that it links through to the Apple App Store and to the Google Play Store where you can download the Preserver app. Please understand the app is 100% free. We collect no registration information. There’s no credit card information. The information, even with the app, the ChatBot being used is never stored. It doesn’t live in our cloud; it just lives on your device, and it can be shared in the app through your device to your personal cloud storage or through the app’s native sharing methods. It also supports up to 14 different languages, so you can ask your questions in different languages and get replies in the same language. And it’s sponsored by unobtrusive little banner ads.

So, download it today and I hope you find this valuable in having safe and secure travels with cultural sensitivities. 

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