  • Anger,  Emotions

    Managing Anger

    Monte: Hi. This is Monte from Preserver. Jeff: Good day, Monte. Monte, people are using the Preserver app to deal with managing anger. How does that work? Monte: Well, we actually use our Preserver AI ChatBot, and you can see here, I’ve used the ChatBot to say how it can assist in managing anger. And in summary, it basically says you can log your instances, which shows you when you’re most at risk, you can list coping strategies for dealing with your anger and you can practice and record problem solving skills. Now the Preserver app is not a replacement for professional health advice. Go to the Preserver. Go to…

  • Free,  Preserver Uses,  Private

    The Free Preserver App

    Monte: Hello, Jeff. How are you? Jeff: Good morning, Monte. How are you doing? Monte: Yeah. It’s Monte from Preserver. Jeff: Monte, can you tell us, about Preserver, I understand it’s free and a lot of other apps are not so much free. Monte: Yep. Let me talk about that, Jeff. There’s 3 types of apps. Right? There is truly free apps where you don’t pay anything. You get all of the features, all of the services, at no time do they try to tell you you need to subscribe or have an in-app purchase. Then there’s the “freemium” apps which have a crippled version. And if you want those…

  • AI,  Artificial Intelligence,  ChatBot,  Free

    Free Chat GPT 4

    Monte: Hello. It’s Monte from Preserver. Jeff: Monte, good morning. Could you tell us about the free AI on the Preserver? Monte: Absolutely, Jeff. We’ve incorporated Chat GPT 4 plus into the Preserver app, 100% free. Normally, you pay in Australia, $20 a month, or in the US, $12 US a month to access that. We have our ChatBot for free – Chat GPT 4 plus, built into our app, and also on our website. Jeff: That’s fantastic, Monte. Monte: Yep. It gives you an introduction to AI and how it all works and gives you an idea how better to use our app for your situation. Jeff: That’s great.…

  • Free,  Privacy,  Security

    No Registration means Privacy

    Monte: Hello, Jeff. It’s Monte from the Preserver. Jeff: Morning, Monte. You talked to us this morning about privacy and the Preserver app. Monte: Yep. Jeff, we don’t require any registration for the Preserver app. The three things that identify you as an individual around the world is your email address, which is unique, your credit card, which is unique, and your phone international phone number or your phone number, which is unique. And we don’t ask for any of those three things, ever. So, we don’t know who has registered or downloaded our app. And therefore, we’re protecting your privacy. It’s not being sold or shared among third parties.…

  • Free,  Preserver Uses,  Private

    Improved Phone Utility

    Monte: Hi. This is Monte from the Preserver. Jeff: Well, good morning, Monte. Monte, can you tell us, how you get better value, the most possible value out of your mobile phone, please. Monte: That’s a great question, Jeff. and we’re using our own Preserver app to do these videos and I’ve got my Android taking the video, and here’s my iPhone here. And you can see the Preserver app is right on the home screen. I always want it readily available. I’ve got 4 or 5 screens of apps, but Preserver is what I want on my home screen because with one click, it immediately files in. It allows…

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