
Business Analysts

Monte: Hello. This is Monte from Preserver.

Jeff: Good day, Monte. Business analysts are using the Preserver app. How’s that being applied?

Monte: Ah, it’s a great tool for business analysts. The first thing that’s effective with them is they can put a checklist together to make sure that they’re comprehensive in their analysis of the business, and it’ll have all the outlines in there. The second thing is often that the business analyst is a team of people going in. It’s not just one, and different people collect information. They can all use Preserver and upload it to a secure storage drive that they share. And the last thing is just milestones and reminders so that they make sure they keep to the schedule and keep to the commitments of the contract.

Jeff: Okay. And the phone is always with them, Monte.

Monte: Everybody, every analyst, has got one of those phones, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s Android or Apple?

Jeff: Fine. Thank you.

Monte: So don’t forget to go to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store and download Preserver today. No registration. No credit card. 100% privacy and 100% free.

Jeff: Thank you, Monte.

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