  • AI,  ChatBot,  HR

    HR Assistance

    Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver app. And today, I want to show you how HR professionals are using the Preserver app to assist them in their professional duties. So let me shrink myself down, and you can see we’re on the Preserver app website,, and it allows you to go to the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store and download the app. The app is 100% free. There is no registration, and it’s completely private. The data is only ever stored on your phone. But you can share it to a cloud service provider or distribute it any way that your phone allows, to other people…

  • AI,  Artificial Intelligence,  ChatBot,  Free

    Free Chat GPT 4

    Monte: Hello. It’s Monte from Preserver. Jeff: Monte, good morning. Could you tell us about the free AI on the Preserver? Monte: Absolutely, Jeff. We’ve incorporated Chat GPT 4 plus into the Preserver app, 100% free. Normally, you pay in Australia, $20 a month, or in the US, $12 US a month to access that. We have our ChatBot for free – Chat GPT 4 plus, built into our app, and also on our website. Jeff: That’s fantastic, Monte. Monte: Yep. It gives you an introduction to AI and how it all works and gives you an idea how better to use our app for your situation. Jeff: That’s great.…

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