  • Emotions,  Mental Health

    Managing Anxiety

    Monte: Hi, Jeff. It’s Monte from Preserver. Jeff: Good day. Monte, people are using the Preserver to help manage anxiety. How are they doing that? Monte: Well, the Preserver app comes with an embedded AI ChatBot, and you can just ask our LLM what’s going on and it tells you an answer. In summary, it says that the benefit of having the Preserver app is it can log dates, times, and settings. You can record relaxation techniques, and you can use the journaling features for a therapeutic release. Now, remember, the app does not replace professional health providers. And go to either the Apple store or the Google store, search…

  • Emotions,  Mental Health

    Managing Depression

    Hi. It’s Monte from Preserver. Good day, Monte. It’s Jeff, Monte. Yeah. People are using the Preserver app to assist in managing depression. How are they doing that. Mate, our Preserver app has an AI enhanced ChatBot, and I just asked the Preserver app how I can manage depression, and it comes back with some recommendations and a summary. In respect, what it’s really saying is you can record your moods and triggers for depression. You can list enjoyable activities as an alternative to that depression. And you can journal your thoughts and feelings so you can document. So, all of those are available. But please remember, the Preserver app…

  • Emotions,  Mental Health

    Managing Fear

    Monte: Hello. It’s Monte from Preserver. Jeff: Good day, Monte. Monte, people are using the Preserver app to help manage fear. How are they doing that? Monte: Well, if you see my Preserver app here, it’s got our AI ChatBot, our Preserver AI ChatBot. You ask about managing fear, and it comes back with the answer for you. Now please understand that, in summary, what it really says is you can log, and record and reflect and analyse when you have fear. You can document situations and threats and you can store coping strategies. But, the Preserver app is not a replacement for professional health providers. And go to either…

  • Anger,  Emotions

    Managing Anger

    Monte: Hi. This is Monte from Preserver. Jeff: Good day, Monte. Monte, people are using the Preserver app to deal with managing anger. How does that work? Monte: Well, we actually use our Preserver AI ChatBot, and you can see here, I’ve used the ChatBot to say how it can assist in managing anger. And in summary, it basically says you can log your instances, which shows you when you’re most at risk, you can list coping strategies for dealing with your anger and you can practice and record problem solving skills. Now the Preserver app is not a replacement for professional health advice. Go to the Preserver. Go to…

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