  • Entrepreneurs,  ExO 2.0 Companies,  Ray Kurzweil

    ExO 2.0 companies and Salim Ismail

    Monte: Hello. This is Monte, one of the co-founders of the Preserver app, and I’m with one of my other co-founders, Jeff, today. Jeff: Good day, Monte. Monte, we’ve been asked questions about, ExO 2.0 companies and, Sali Ismail. And I know you used the principles in the app. Could you tell us about him, please? Monte: Yeah. Salim in conjunction with Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis, were the authors of the book Exponential Organizations 2.0, whose intention was to 10x the impact of your activities and 10x the impact of your growth. Jeff: Thank you, Monte. Monte: We use these in our Preserver app and you can view it…

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