  • AI,  Allied Health Professionals,  ChatBot,  Health & Safety,  Medical Issues,  Tourism,  Travel

    Inoculation Requirements

    Hi, it’s Monte from the Preserver app and today I want to show you how the Preserver app can assist you and protect you as you’re international travelling by using our ChatBot and to identify inoculations that you need in different areas. So, I’m just going to shrink myself down out of the corner, get it off of my ChatBot. Here’s my little ChatBot and I can go in here and I can use speech to text and say, “Please identify inoculation requirements for traveling to South America”, and I can send that off to the ChatBot, which is 100% free. It’s a ChatGPT 4.0 and it’s very comprehensive. As…

  • AI,  ChatBot,  Communication,  Health & Safety,  HR,  Incident Reporting,  Preserver Uses,  Security

    HR Incident Reporting

    Hi. It’s Monte from Preserver and I’m talking to you about incident reporting. Incident reporting is very, very important for the protection and safety of individuals, your corporations, staff, clients, everything. So, I’ve put into, ChatGPT, “What is the key elements of incident reporting”, clear and concise, timeliness, comprehensive, general information, root cause analysis, facts only. But what I really want to say here is the Preserver app, it lives on every individual’s phone, and we almost always have our phones with us. And it is the ideal tool for collecting incident reporting data in real time at the time of the incident. Not later, not when you’re trying to…

  • Age,  Health & Safety,  Medical Issues,  Mental Health

    Aging Gracefully

    Hi. This is Monte from Preserver, and we’re going to talk about aging gracefully today and how the Preserver app can assist in doing that. So, you can see the Preserver icon on my home screen. I press on that. It comes up. I hit my go button. I want to go on, I haven’t created one. Better go with that one. “Aging gracefully”. I can add that. So, I have a category. I’m going to hit that one. I’m going to go into my ChatBot. You’ve seen this before. I’m going to hit my speaker. “How can the Preserver app assist me in aging gracefully?” And I asked that…

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