  • Journal/Diary,  Perfect for Preserver,  Travel,  Well-Being

    Travel Journal Sharing

    Hi, it’s Monte from the Preserver app, and today I’m using our Preserver ChatBot to demonstrate how you can securely and privately share your travel journeys with family and friends, securely and privately, and of course, for free. So, I asked the ChatBot, “Sharing Travel Experiences using the Preserver app”, and it says Comprehensive Documentation. One click and you know where you are, when you are, the date, the time, and the GPS coordinates. You have privacy and security. All the data collected resides on your phone. You can then either place it into a Google Drive, your personal Google Drive, and share that drive, or you can put it…

  • AI,  ChatBot,  Friends,  Journal/Diary,  Perfect for Preserver,  Travel,  Well-Being

    Travel Safety

    Hi, it’s Monte from the Preserver app and today I want to talk to you about Travel Safety because the Preserver app is the primary, fundamental tool for traveller safety. So let me just go down into the corner here, and here I’ve asked our Preserver ChatBot how Preserver can enhance traveller safety. Critical thing – to capture data, time, location, start and end of an activity, providing precise records. One click and it has your GPS coordinates on a Google Map, a start time of where you are. You can then add additional information in multimedia formats. It’s 100% secure and private on your phone. You then can either…

  • AI,  ChatBot,  Journal/Diary,  Travel

    Digital Travel Journal

    Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver app. And today, I just want to show you, how we are represented in a Google search and how you can use the Preserver app as a digital travel journal. So, I’ll put myself down here in the corner, and you can see here when I search on Preserver app, you get our website and it and you get the Google response that you can record life events, hobbies, work, anything. Here it is. The Apple App Store. Here’s our FAQs on the website. here’s a world’s first full featured thing from Yahoo Finance. Here’s the Preserver app on Google Play. and here’s some…

  • AI,  ChatBot,  Travel

    Treating Motion Sickness

    Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver app. And I’m still talking about travel, and I want to just shrink myself down and explain what I’m going to be doing today with the Preserver app to assist you with motion sickness. So, as I’ve done in the past, I said you can go to our website and you can see some, going to blogs and, use cases that we’ve done in the past relative to travel: Travel Adventurous, and Travel Blog. But in this case, I’m going to be creating a separate video using the Preserver app, demonstrating it. Now you can get the Preserver app from the Apple App Store,…

  • AI,  ChatBot,  Travel

    Dealing with Jet Lag

    Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver app and I’m on our Preserver website, and I want to continue our discussions about travel. You can find we’ve discussed this before by just using our little search feature here. Type in “travel”. And, you’ll find that, we’ve already got some Travel Adventurous and Travel Blog posts. Today, I want to do one specifically on jetlag, which I think you’ll find, useful. Please remember the Preserver app is available in the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. There is no registration required. There is no email. There’s no credit card. Nothing at all. There’s no in-app advertising. There’s also no subscription. All…

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