  • Business,  Collaboration,  Communication,  Data/Information,  Privacy,  Private,  Relationships,  Respect,  Security,  Trust

    Digital Suggestion Box

    Hi. It’s Monte from Preserver. And today, I want to explore the opportunities that you can gain and improve your business by having a Digital Suggestion Box for all your employees, that’s 100% private, protected, anonymous, and free. So, if I go here and I do a search on Purpose and Value of Employees Suggestion Boxes, they talk about formal ways to share ideas, and it can allow your workers to address safety concerns. That’s separate. That’s the downside. And provides a secure and confidential platform to freely express thoughts and concerns and things going forward. Could be creative ideas, opens your ideas, encourages your employees, but it may be…

  • AI,  ChatBot,  Collaboration,  Relationships,  Self-improvement,  Trust

    Staff Collaboration

    Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver App. And today, I want to talk to you about how the Preserver App can assist in collaboration in ad hoc teams, and communication for staff and employees on various activities. And today, I’m going to be doing this using the artificial intelligence that’s built into the Preserver app and free to everyone, based on Chat GPT 4.0. And so, you can see here that I’m using the Preserver ChatBot so it’s using the LLM of Preserver which we built. And it says, “How can Preserver App assist with staff collaboration?”. Documenting activities, multimedia integration. Yes. It does speech, speech- to- text, 14 different…

  • Data/Information,  Information Technology,  Privacy,  Security,  Technology,  Trust

    Anti-Virus Software

    Monte: Hello. This is Monte from Preserver,  and today, I’m talking about anti-virus software. Jeff: It’s gonna be important, Monte. What are the names that can be trusted in this software field. Monte: Well, having been in this game for over 30 years, it’s amazing that some of these brands still exist. McAfee is 1, AVG is 1, and Norton is 1. And all three of them have been around for decades. Jeff: Life and death these days, Monte, I guess. Monte: Yep. All three of these apps, or all three of these software packages will actually bring down the latest protection from the web and hope and protect your…

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