Compliance Officer

Monte: Hi. It’s Monte from Preserver.
Jeff: Hi, Monte. Monte, we have an associate that’s a compliance officer that’s using Preserver extensively. How’s it work?
Monte: Mate, it’s a fascinating thing. I mean, as soon as you press a button on the Preserver app, it records date and time stamps everything you’re doing within a Google Map, and GPS coordinates. And this is very important for, litigation holds, which is a compliance legal situation. It’s also used for, logging and preserving conversations between organisations and people. And it’s – you have secure information sharing either from your device to another individual’s device or to the cloud.
Jeff: Mhmm. Makes sense, Monte.
Monte: So, visit either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and download our free Preserver app. No registration and it comes with GPT 4 installed.
Jeff: Thank you Monte.