
Fishing Experiences

Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver app, and I’m on our website here. I’m going to shrink myself down into the corner. And you can see we’ve got our blog, and our blog covers a lot of our clients and the uses of our app and tells you how they’re using it in their life as well as the uses.

And I’m going to show you on the app today how the most popular hobby activity in the world, which is fishing, uses our app. And it’s critical because you can record the location. You can record fresh or saltwater. You can record bait or lures. And you… and then because of the privacy, your secret locations are never shared. So, I’m going to go off to my app now and show you how it works. And we hope you find this valuable for your fishing activities.

Hi. It’s Monte, and I’m going to be talking about fishing experiences and how they can be enhanced with the Preserver app. So, you can see the Preserver app on my home page. I’m going to open it. I have a category already for Fishing Experiences. I’m going to go to the ChatBot. I’m going to click on a little microphone:

“And how can the Preserver app enhance your fishing experiences?”

And off it goes to bring back useful information, and it’s very, very powerful. And we’ve got lots of users using the Preserver app to document their fishing experiences. They can locate the location, weather, and conditions in the time of day where they were fishing, date and time, and GPS coordinates, photos of the catch, the gear that was used, and, importantly, permits. You can keep copies of the permits that you need in different locations with the Preserver app.

Now remember, the Preserver app can be found in the Google Play Store and the Apple store. Just search on Preserver and download it. It’s a 100% free. No credit card. No name. No email required. No registration at all. You have this Preserver ChatBot which is OpenAI 4.0, and it’s free. And it’s private. So, all your information is kept.

So, when you have those special fishing locations and you’ve had good success, nobody else knows where it is unless you tell them.

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