
Home Healthcare Workers

Monte: Hi. This is Monte from Preserver. And today, I want to talk about, home health care workers.

Jeff: Okay. Thanks, Monte. How can the Preserver app assist these folks?

Monte: Yeah. Well, it actually is a very powerful tool for them. It allows them to do 3 key elements. One is documentation because they’re remote. They’re not in an office. They’re at somebody’s house, and they’re providing services, so they can document what they’re doing. It can help with communication back to their corporations or to the person they’re talking with or taking care of, or the person’s loved ones. And lastly, it’s about legal compliance and QA, which can all be captured in the Preserver app.

Jeff: And of course, it’s on their phone, so it’s immediately available.

Monte: Yeah. Everybody’s got their phone and the app is free, so there’s no reason not to have that protection. Visit Preserver in either the Apple store or the Google store, just search on Preserver, or visit our Preserver web site.

Jeff: Thank you, Monte.

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