
Travel (Adventurous)

Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver app. And today, I want to just identify ways that the app can assist you in your adventurous travel activities and recording them.

And it’s quite interesting, because we now all have mobile devices. And in the past, you had to have GoPros and a lot of other things but now most of us have these newer ones and they’re waterproof, shock resistant, come with cases. So, you can actually use your phone for all the recording. Even at 1080 p and sometimes even 4 k. So, the phone is adequate. You don’t need extra hardware and it’s built in microphone and waterproof, even underwater. It’s a great tool.

I’ll shrink myself down here just for a second. I want to show you here’s a Post Release walk of one of our co-owners where he goes along the beach at Currimundi, and he records both the weather promotion and a video of the waves. Which is great fun. So, I hope you find this interesting. I’m going to show you exactly how it works on my device, as this video continues.

Hi. It’s Monte from the Preserver app, and here I am on my screen, and I’m going to use my Preserver app from my home screen. I can go in here and talk about adventure travel, and I can use my ChatBot I’m going to ask it, by turning on the microphone, “How can I enhance my adventurous travel using the Preserver app?”

And I send that off to the Preserver app ChatBot and it’s going to talk to me about ways that I can record the experiences, in multiple formats and the location and where it happened, and capture multimedia, record experiences and detail, plan and list activities. It’s all there incorporated in the Preserver app and will help you keep and create those memories and reflect and share your experiences. You can share them individually or post them wherever you want. This is a great tool.

Just go to the Apple Store or the Google Play Store, search on Preserver, download it. There is no registration, there is no credit card, no name, no email. We never collect any information. It’s a 100% private. It’s a 100% free with all the enhanced features. So, download it and give it a try today.

Thanks for watching.

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